-=Inuyasha, Rurouni Kenshin, Slayers és Naruto=-
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Inuyasha (16 / 55%)
Rurouni Kenshin (5 / 17%)
Slayers (0 / 0%)
Naruto (2 / 7%)
Inuyasha és Kenshin (1 / 3%)
Slayers és Naruto (1 / 3%)
Naruto és Inuyasha (1 / 3%)
Slayers és Kenshin (0 / 0%)
Slayers és Inu (2 / 7%)
Mindegyik (1 / 3%)

Szavazatok száma: 29

Létrehozás időpontja:
2006-11-16 22:53:37

Szavazás lezárva:
2006-12-16 00:19:35

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Elfelejtettem a jelszót
Inuyasha videó

Rurouni Kenshin - Samurai X
Rurouni kenshin video

Mi a kínai állatjegyed?

Kínai állatjegyek!
Kiváncsi vagy milyen állat jegyében születtél a Kínai horoszkóp szerint?
Ha igen,akkor csak ird be mikor születtél:. Pl: "1988"

Dátum és névnap

Crimson tears(angol)
Crimson tears(angol) : Crimson tears

Crimson tears

DreamAngelSakky  2006.11.22. 21:40

Alapfokú angol tudás szükséges minimum hozzá...

Crimson tears
Chapter one: my farwell.
"Inuyasha SIT BOY!" Screamed Kagome.
"Hey what i Do!"Inuyasha yelled.
"What?" He gave a confused look.
"Don't try to pretend you don't know! I saw you with Kikyo in the forest!(Sakky:god she is sooo going to die in this story!) You said that you'd kill me to let her have the rest of her soul back!"
"No kagome i didn't!" Inuyasha yelled.
"Ya right! How can i believe you? You always run off to her when you smell her!"
"No kag..." Inuyasha didn't get to finish because Kagome butted in.
" NO INUYASHA! I'm leaving for good this time..." She whispered "so...SIT SIT SIT SIT SIT SIT SIT SIT SIT SIT SITTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT!" She yelled while running off.
'I'm sorry Sango,Miroku,Shippou... I have to leave.' Kagome thought while looking at the village for the last time.

Chapter two to crimson Tears : years later
Kagome slowly opened the doors to place she once loved very wekk, then she looked down the well.
‘sigh I miss them so much. Its hard to believe its been four years.’Kagome thought. ‘I wounder if Sango and Miroku are together? Is shippou ok? And inuy…no! don’t go thinking about that again!’kagome scolded. herself, "I always think this!”Kagome said but fond herself looking down the well again.
“You know you want to go.”Said her little brother Sota while eating some chips. Kagome was startled and jumped a bit.
“Sota don’t sneek up on me!”
“All I’m telling you is what you want that you deny.” He walked out of the shrine. ‘1,2,3’ He thought then reopened the door. And didn’t see Kagome “Mom she finally went back!” Sota yelled toward the house.
“Ok that’s good to hear!”

Kagome POV
I stared to climb out of the well. My plan was to look from the distance and leave. I started to the village. The dirt road seemed more used then before.
‘What if Inuyasha trys to kill me again!’ Kagome stopped as soon as she thought that. ‘great just fucking great! No that won’t stop me…..i hope.” She said.

Normal POV
As Kagome went to the village she noticed not much have changed.
'i better go to Kaede's hut.' Kagome thought and made her way threw the village.
“Kade I’m….I’m Back!” Kagome said in a timid voice. Kade came from the other room along with Sango,Miroku,Shippou,…inuyasha and kikyo.
“KAGOME!”They all yelled.
Ya I know that your all like what the hell is kikyo doing in the hut and all you’ll see later in this chapter I think.Yes they do have quiet a mouth in this story.
Ok what happened last chapter.:
Kade I’m….I’m Back!” Kagome said. Kade came from the other room along with Sango,Miroku,Shippou,…inuyasha and kikyo. “KAGOME!”They all yelled
Ok now this Chapter:
“ka..gome.”Sango whisphered. She rubbed her eyes. “Miroku do you see her is it really her?”
“Mama!”Shippou yelled and ran and gave her a hug. “Your sniff really here! I missed you so much kag…mama!”Shippou yelled as he hugged her tighter.
“hi everyone I’m back…”Kagome said.
“kagome just don’t say that! Were have you been!”Sango yelled and hugged her.
“ummm well… I…” Kagome tried to say something. Miroku saw she had a difficult time and said “that’s not important now! I must do something that I havent for a long time.” Miroku looked seriouse.
(we all know whats next) He gose up to kagome and grabs her butt. SMACK!
“MIROKU!”The girls yelled.
“What I do?” Miroku asked
They just started to chat. And kagome felt two pairs of eyes on her the whole time.

Inuyasha’s POV
‘oh god…shes back.’I thought. I thought my eyes were triking me. But my nose said it was her sent and my nose is never wrong. I got mad that the monk grabed her but I didn’t show it cause I was still to in shock that she was here.

Kikyos POV
‘no no shes back! That bitch thinks she can come back and be happy I think not.’I think I saw Inuyasha looking at here. ‘Well I think we can just tell her why im here and she’ll begone again.’

Normal POV later around the fire.
“So kagome why have you disided to come back after all?” Shippou asked.
“Well my brother pushed me back in the well and…..”kagome said
“And…..”they asked.
“you guys havent finshed the jewel right?” Kagome asked
“Kagome who did you know that?” Miroku asked.
Kagome digged in her pocket and pulled out half of the jewel.Inuyasha and the rest ran up to it and looked at it. Well not kikyo. “kagome howd you get that!”inuyasha asked.
‘wow the first thing he asked was about the jewel.’ Kagome thought.
“I found it in my time."
“You you time Kagome?” Sango repeated.
“Yes. In my time it posses a child.” Kagome said sadly.
“How did you get it! Kagome you didn’t kill him did you?” Miroku asked. Kagome frowned at the question.
“Of course not! I would never ever do that! I….had some help.” Kagome said trailing off.
“From who?” Shippou asked. Kagome laughed abit.
“Well not important! When I got it I sneced even more. I think you guys might not get all the jewel. Because they still are in my time.”Kagome said. Everyone was quiet.
“Well even though I hate to say it….Kagome might be right. The jewel was shattered into thousands of pieces. No matter how fast we’d move we might not. We al only human.” Miroku said. Then Kagome shot up.
“what is it Kagome?” Sango asked.
‘I feel… jewels shard. But why hasn’t Kikyou said anything about it?’ Kagome said. Then Kagome thought of something.
‘Maybe…maybe Kikyou lost her ability to sence the jewel shards. And that’s why they might not have found them all in time.’ Kagome said. (ME:hehe)
“Kikyou you sence it don’t you?” Kagome asked Kikyou though Kagome wants to kill her. Kikyou’s eye’s went alittle wide but not one noticed.
“ah…Ah yes I do.” Kikyou said.
“Is it a jewel shard?” Inuyasha asked. Kagome nodded not looking at him.
“Let’s g….wait I smell wolf.” Inuyasha said pissed. Then they all went out of the hut to see a tornado looking thing. Then when it disappered you saw….Kouga!
“Kagome! I thought you were gone forever!” Kouga said and hugged Kagome. Kikyou bite her lip things weren’t going as Naraku and her had planned.

(ME: like about a year after Kagome ran away)
“So we got ride of her for good it seems. She’s been gone for a year.” Said a cold male voice. Kikyou turned her head tro where the voice came.
“Your late Naraku.” Kikyou said.
“My apologies (sp? I hate spelling!) I had to take care of something.” He said.
“But back to my reincarnation. (sp?) yes I do too. Soon Inuyasha will trust me and I will take him to hell with me.” Kikyou said.
“But I have a other plan. If she comes back many things will go wrong. And when she does not dout that little wolf Kouga will be with Inuyasha and stay tp protect Kagome.” Naraku said.
“Well whats they plan?” Kikyo asked.
“Remember are plan is saperate Inuyasha and Kagome. Then I can take Kagome in as my wife and consume her in my body and become more powerful then the jewel shard could ever make me.” Naraku said. “In in return for helping me you get revenge on Inuyasha.”
“Yes but why comsume her?” Kikyou said. Kinda jealouse her wanted Kagome not her. Naraku smirked. Knowing that’s what she ment.
“Because Kagome is 100 times as stronger as you’ll ever be.” He said. She glared at him.
“Just because I can’t sence the jewel shards any more doesn’t mean she more powerful then me!” Kikyou yelled.
“Yes it does. And don’t raise your tone with me. Or I won’t tell you were the jewel shards are anymore.” Naraku said. (ME: like he’s been telling her for a while were the jewel shards are. So it makes it look like she can sence them. Oh and when demons will attak,)
“Naraku why do you want me to tell Inuyasha were the Shards are? And when your demonds will attake? You make it seem like your powering him up.” Kikyou said.
He smirked.
“All part of my plan.” Naraku said so Kikyou couldn’t hear.
“what?” Kikyou asked.
“Nothing. I must go now.” And with that he dissapered into the shadows.
“Wait you never told me the back up plan!” Kikyou said.
“That will have to wait till another time.” She heard him say.
“why?” She asked. No annswer then Inuyasha pushed through the bushes.
“Kikyou what are you doing out in the forest at this time by yourself? I woke up and you weren’t there. I was worried.” Inuyasha said.
‘So he’s the reason.’ Kikyou thought.
“I’m find Inuyasha.” Kikyou said and began to walk back to the camp. Remebering what Naraku had said to her.
‘Because Kagome is 100 times as stronger as you’ll ever be’ END OF FLASH BACK
Kikyou looked at Kagome with hate and coldness in her eyes. Kouga was still hugging her and talking to her. Then she heard what Kouga said next.
“Kagome I think you should stay and trale with me instead of Mutt Face.” Kagome and everyone but Kikyou gasped. (and and Kouga didn’t gasp of coarse)
“No way!” Inuyasha yelled. Kagome turned her head to them slightly.
“Acctully…I think I will.”
“Actully Inuyasha I think I will.” Kagome said. (sorry guys that’s what won! But remember not a Koga/Kag.)
“What!” They group yelled in surprise.
“Fine if Kagome is going with Koga then I’m going too!” Sango said with a stern face. TThe group spun around and gave her a looked like she was crazy.
“Well if there going then I’m going too!” Shippou said and crossed his arms over his cheast that was puffed out.
“And I will also go with you all.” Miroku said. "To keep them from all falling apart."
“Wait a minute! I said Kagome! Not all of you! Its be like me traveling with all of you, Minus the Mutt and the Clay Pot (ohhhhh burn!)” Inuyasha's eye began to twitched.
“Hey Kikyou isn’t a clay pot!” Inuyahsha yelled bringing up a fist. Koga smirked when he saw Kagome’s shocked face.
“Really. I think she is. She made of dirt and bones. Tell me, when it starts to rain does she turn to mud? (ooohhh another burn!)” Koga asked smirking. Everyone gasped. Inuyasha pulled out the Tetsusaiga (Sakky: Thank you sooooo much whitetiger-isabella!)
“That’s it I’m going to kill you!” Inuyasha growled. But before he could do anything Kikyou shot and arrow at Koga’s face. Kagome seeing this moved as quick as ever and grabbed it between her two fingers about an inch from Koga’s face. Then the arrow turned to ash. Everyone was very still. Not moving or blinking. Untill Sango broke the silence.
“K-k-kagome how did you do that!” Kagome sighed rubbing her temples.
“I still have many things I haven’t told you.” Kagome mumbled and looked tword the ground as she put her arm down from Koga's face.
“Koga how about you come with us? I made a promise and it was to finish the jewel shard.” Kagome said. “But I think I’ll need his help too.” Kagome added with a smile.
“Who’s help lady Kagome?” Miroku asked curiosity. Kagome looked up at them and laughed.
“Hehe you’ll see! I have to go back to my time to get….” Kagome began to say but Inuyasha cut her off.
“No way! Last time you didn’t come back for a long time!”
“Last time you tried to kill me!” Kagome shot back with a harsh glare. Everyone gasped when Inuyash looked down not denying it.
“Last time is turned full demon!” Inuyasha yelled back his face written with hurt and some confusion.
“Inuyasha I saw you! You were your normal half-demon self!” Kagome said then She turned around to Koga.
“Koga can you give me a ride to the bone eaters well?” Kagome asked. Koga nodded and allowed Kagome on his back. She could hear Inuyasha growling lowley as she did.
“Don’t worry I promise I’ll be back.” Kagome said before Koga ran her to the well.
Right as Kagome was about to jump into the well he grabed her hand and spoke.
“Kagome you’ll be back right? i dont want you gone for so long again.” Kagome smiled at him.
“I will I promise.” Kagome said. And then jumped down the well.
Sota's mouth droped open as he notice Kagome enter the house.
“oh no Mom! Mom! Kagome’s already back!” Sota yelled in a panicky. Kagome sweat droped.
“Sota I just came back to get my stuff.” Kagome said. Sota looked at her like she had grown another head.
“Mom mom! Kagome is going back!” Sota yelled. Kagome sweat dropped again.
“Sota make up your mind.” Kagome said. Then she made her way p the stairs to her room and opened her door. There was a boy Kagome’s age with blond hair and blue eyes in her room. He look like a normal person except he had two blue strips on his face and he had two fox ears on his head. Kagome smiled at him.
“Hey Ryu.” She went up and hugged him.
“Hey Ryu.” Kagome said and hugged him. He pulled her away.
“Kagome! Where have you been I’ve been worried!” Ryu yelled a little flame came from his mouth. (like when the anime person get mad he doesn’t have fire breath) Kagome sweat dropped.
“Oh I’ve been..no where.” Kagome said.
“She’s been in the well.” Sota yelled from outside her door. Ryu glared at Kagome.
“Kagome! You could have been killed! By the idiot of a half breed!” Ryu doesn’t like Inuyasha eighter.
“Ryu I have to go back! I made a promise! And we’ll be dangering the people here! In are time!” Kagome said.
“There’s no way your going back!” Ryu yelled. Kagome smirked at him.
“Ya and who says so?” Kagome said.
“Me!” Ryu said.
5 Minutes later
Kagome is packing in her old back pack. Ryu in the coner glaring at her. Kagome sighed.
“Oh ya Ryuuu. Mom bought suckers (cany suckers) yesterday losts of them.” Ryu smiled and ran down stairs. Kagome smiled. And went back to packing. When she was done Ryu came back in with 2 suckers in his mouth.
“Ryu…could you…could you come with me?” Kagome asked. Ryu smiled at her.
“Kagome. I wouldn’t let you go with out me!” Ryu said with a smile. They began to walk to the well.
“Hey sis remember your dead line is in one month!” Sota yelled.
“I now I brought every thing!” Kagome said. Then Ryu and Kagome jumped down the well.

Fanfic verseny!!!!!
Lezárult a jelentkezés, kezdődjön a verseny!
Melyik fic a legjobb?

Kouga és Ayame - Szerelem a holdszivárvány alatt
Kagoo 2 fice
Inuyasha lánya
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A másik honlapomon is van feltéve egy vámpíros ficem első fejezete, ha érdekel vkit...

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Régi és mai frissek(08.28-09.01):
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A szereplyátékra lehet jelentkezni a : papa_roach@freemail.hu, papa_roach@citromail és az inukagome@vipmail.hu-ra!!! Vagy ne legyen szereplyáték? :((

(Csak hetente tudok majd frissíteni, mert nem nagyon leszek gépközelbe!) A honlap szerkesztője: Chikyo
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Indulás: 2005-11-17
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